Wednesday, August 13, 2008

thank you...

having read G's latest post, i just wanna say...i am reminded again to be thankful for everything that God has blessed me with, for everyone who has touched and continue to touch my life in any way...

by the way Glenn thanks for putting importance on my previous post on gratitude...
when everyone else failed to be grateful and appreciative of things we are truly and sincerely happy to do for them, we should still be thankful!

here's my thank-you-list for the day:

1. the sweet breakfast moment and early conversation i had with raph this morning...
though i was so "puyat" i'm glad i didn't have to drag myself out of bed because i was just too glad to do it for my boy

2. hubby arrives tonight from HK, yey! and i'm glad i still have the energy to pick him up at the airport because...

3. we finished taping Singing Bee earlier than usual, and i had fun at work as usual

4. making it to the brainstorming at Stick before going to my ABS work...yey another project coming up!

5. having an "enlightening" talk (as G said) with my best buds piper and we can leave "it" all behind us now. remember, happy thoughts!!!

6. for everything else...andami pa, i am grateful! God, thank you!

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