Tuesday, August 14, 2007

LoOking BAck, MOving FOrward...

In life, in order to move forward, you have to look back…
Not to live in the past, but to go back to where you’ve been
Take with you a part of it that’s worth rememberin’
And leave behind things to be forgotten!

I’m moving on…but this is a long journey
Of self-imposed healing and recovery
And the hardest part is in forgiving—
those who've wounded every fragment of my being.

This is an arduous process…
The first step is to forgive myself –
for the wrong choices,
for the bad decisions I've made along the way.

In life, in order to move forward, you have to go back…
Not to dwell on the past,
but to look back with a smile…
and radiate the beauty of your heart.

1 comment:

Glenn Ala said...

i had my looking back moving forward moment recently... it was when i decided to let myself fall head over heels over my beb... i realized that that was the moment also that my previous relationship had completely ended for me... there were no more ifs... no more questions... no more doubt... this was both the beginning and the end... at that instant, i said goodbye to the past... smiled at it... and said hello to a new day...

my music::