Wednesday, March 19, 2008

don't you just HATE. . .?

- people who keep you waiting and you wouldn't even hear a thing from them after not showing up

- people who disrespect you, trying to make you feel unreliable and worse...unworthy!

- conceited "know-it-all" people but act stupid anyway, when in fact, you're way too smarter than them

- people ignoring your text messages or calls and wouldn't even get out of their way to explain or tell you what's wrong

- liar! liar! liar! excuses...excuses!!! repent NOW for Christ sake

- people who don't respect your opinion, and would rather not listen because of their
"hey-i'm-the-boss-here" attitude.

- people who are sooo selfish!!! but user-friendly... you know the "i'm-good-with-you-because-i-want-you-to-do-this-for-me" kind.

- people who don't respect your time, and would oblige you to listen to their endless boring and WTF stories
about themselves and their past

i know, i's holy week and it's quite off key to write about these things...forgive me, i just want to get it off my chest...hoping later i'll be more focused reflecting about my life and my faith.

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